Pasta Line
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Please be advised that it is the policy of Winland Private Brands, Inc. not to accept unsolicited ideas from outside sources. We have on our staff many experts in food science and marketing, and they are constantly researching new product and marketing ideas. It is likely that your idea has already been considered, or has been implemented in the past, by our company and/or others. While we appreciate your comments about our products, we cannot accept suggestions for new products, advertising, or promotions from anyone outside our company.
Periodically, we offer coupons on various digital apps, local newspapers, on our packages, on our website, and at selected supermarkets. Still have a question? Contact us!
It is the policy of Winland Foods, Inc. to support non-profit organizations, which, in our opinion, serve to enhance the growth of the Company and its employees. The Company reserves the right to accept or deny requests for donations. All product donation requests must be made in writing on the organization’s letterhead and must state the purpose for the request and their status as a not for profit organization. Requests should be sent no less than 90 days in advance of the date they are to be received. An organization may receive up to four (4) cases per request during a 12 month period. Requests exceeding 4 cases require the approval of a senior manager. Arrangements must be made to pick up the donation as we do not deliver. If shipping is necessary, it is the responsibility of the organization making the request. We request that organizations who receive product donations use Winland Foods, Inc. branded banners and forward any publicity generated by the event to the Winland Foods Marketing Department. Still have a question? Contact us!
Pardon our dust! Making pasta with rough texture naturally leaves a little extra flour on the pasta as well as inside your box.
Number 7 is listed on the recycle scale as “Other”, meaning there is no recycling for this category because it is made up of different structures laminated together. Still have a question? Contact us!
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